Sunday, October 20, 2013

TOW Post #6- Visual Text: "World Wildlife Fund Advertisement"

             Global warming has always seemed to be a big concern for Earth. Scientists have been warning people that it is going to get worse each year if we don't do something about it; such as more environment safe cars, factories, and disposal techniques. Yet the way we do things seems to not have changed at all, more people need to take action on this issue. People may not listen to these scientists but they might be convinced to make a change if they see an effective ad: like the one above. The WWF (World Wildlife Fund)  is a great organization that promotes the taking a stand to stop global warming because it doesn't only affect humans but it mainly affects the animals of wildlife.
            In the ad above Earth is depicted as a melting ice cream scoop in a waffle cone. When we were children this would often happen to us; the melting ice cream cone, because we couldn't eat it fast enough on a hot summer day. We would then try to lick all of the drips of the melting ice cream that was coming down the cone, before it would reach our clean hands that were holding the cone. The WWF appeals to pathos by tapping into our childhood memories. When seeing this image we want to "lick" and or save the melting Earth before it's too late; really achieving the WWF's purpose of this ad.
            Not only does the WWF do well with appealing to pathos to their audience to promote the stopping of global warming, but the way they present the ad: regarding colors, lighting, and positioning. The background really brings focus to the ice cream cone because the black contrasts with the bright blue color of the earth and the light tan color of the cone. The color contrast will catch people's eyes quickly and bringing them to the focus and message of the ad. Not only do the color choices grab the attention of more people but also the extra lighting created on the ice cream cone Earth. The positioning of the ice cream cone also helps the WWF promote the stopping of global warming. Because it is positioned in the center it communicates that this problem is very important and should get a lot of attention, which is what the "center" position usually represents. With these smart choice strategies the WWF uses in their ad they are most likely getting more people to hop on board on doing something to stop global warming.

Image Source:

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